_______________________Firewood Processor and Log Splitter Plans___________________ Click on a picture for more information about each set of plans.
Our Log Splitters and Firewood Processors

What Makes Our Plans Special?
As you can see, the plans are easy to read. Photos with labels show each step as it is completed, making it easy to build your own firewood processor. We also offer email support if you have additional questions about the build.
Our plans aren't just an idea of how to make a log splitter (or log arch, firewood bundler, etc.). All of our plans are based on machines we made for our own use, and the plans were written as they went together. No hard to read blueprints or confusing diagrams, just easy-to-follow instructions and labeled photos.
When you buy plans from us, you get support. Feel free to email with questions about building or customizing your project.
Hydraulic Chainsaw and Conveyor at work: